
THIS IS NOT THE OFFICIAL GA4GH VRS DOCUMENTATION! This is a demonstration build for discussing advancements to the maturity model and versioning system for GKS specification development. Please refer to https://vrs.ga4gh.org for the GA4GH VRS standard.


computed identifier

An identifier that is generated from the object’s data. Multiple groups who generated computed identifiers the same way will generate the same identifier for the same underlying data.

digest, ga4gh_digest

A digest is a digital fingerprint of a block of binary data. A digest is always the same size, regardless of the size of the input data. It is statistically extremely unlikely for two fingerprints to match when the underlying data are distinct.

identifiable object

An identifiable object in VRS is any data structure for which VRS defines a serialization method, which is the precursor to generating a computational digest. All Sequence, Location, and Variation types are identifiable.


The process of converting an object in memory into a stream of bytes that may be sent via the network, saved in a database, or written to a file.