
THIS IS NOT THE OFFICIAL GA4GH VRS DOCUMENTATION! This is a demonstration build for discussing advancements to the maturity model and versioning system for GKS specification development. Please refer to https://vrs.ga4gh.org for the GA4GH VRS standard.


This section provides a complete, language-neutral example of essential features of VRS. In this example, we will translate an HGVS-formatted variant, NC_000019.10:g.44908822C>T, into its VRS format and assign a globally unique identifier.

Translate HGVS to VRS

The HGVS Variant Nomenclature string NC_000019.10:g.44908822C>T represents a single base substitution on the reference sequence NC_000019.10 (human chromosome 19, assembly GRCh38) at position 44908822 from the reference nucleotide C to T.

In VRS, a contiguous change is represented using an Allele object, which is composed of a Location and of the State at that location. Location and State are abstract concepts: VRS is designed to accommodate many kinds of Locations based on sequence position, gene names, cytogentic bands, or other ways of describing locations. Similarly, State may refer to a specific sequence change, a contiguous repeated sequence, or a sequence derived from another source.

In this example, we will use a SequenceLocation, which is composed of a sequence identifier and a SequenceInterval.

In VRS, all identifiers are a Compact URI (CURIE). Therefore, NC_000013.11 MUST be written as the string refseq:NC_000019.10 to make explicit that this sequence is from RefSeq . VRS does not restrict which data sources may be used, but does recommend using prefixes from identifiers.org.

VRS uses Inter-residue Coordinates. Inter-residue coordinates always use intervals to refer to sequence spans. For the purposes of this example, inter-residue coordinates look like the more familiar 0-based, right-open numbering system. (Please read about Inter-residue Coordinates if you are interested in the significant advantages of this design choice over other coordinate systems.)

The SequenceInterval for the position 44908822 is

  "end": {
    "type": "Number",
    "value": 44908822
  "start": {
    "type": "Number",
    "value": 44908821
  "type": "SequenceInterval"

The SequenceLocation is constructed from a sequence identifier and the above interval.

  "interval": {
    "end": {
      "type": "Number",
      "value": 44908822
    "start": {
      "type": "Number",
      "value": 44908821
    "type": "SequenceInterval"
  "sequence_id": "refseq:NC_000019.10",
  "type": "SequenceLocation"

A LiteralSequenceExpression object consists simply of the replacement sequence, as follows:

  "sequence": "T",
  "type": "LiteralSequenceExpression"

The Allele object’s location and state attributes may then be constructed from the above SequenceLocation and LiteralSequenceExpressions respectively:

  "location": {
    "interval": {
      "end": {
        "type": "Number",
        "value": 44908822
      "start": {
        "type": "Number",
        "value": 44908821
      "type": "SequenceInterval"
    "sequence_id": "refseq:NC_000019.10",
    "type": "SequenceLocation"
  "state": {
    "sequence": "T",
    "type": "LiteralSequenceExpression"
  "type": "Allele"

This Allele is a fully-compliant VRS object that is parsable using the VRS JSON Schema.


VRS is verbose! The goal of VRS is to provide a extensible framework for representation of sequence variation in computers. VRS objects are readily parsable and have precise meaning, but are often larger than other representations and are typically less readable by humans. This tradeoff is intentional!

Generate a computed identifer

A key feature of VRS is an easily-implemented algorithm to generate computed, digest-based identifiers for variation objects. This algorithm permits organizations to generate the same identifier for the same allele without prior coordination, which in turn facilitates sharing, obviates centralized registration services, and enables identifiers to be used in secure settings (such as diagnostic labs).

The VRS computed identifier procedure requires that all nested identifiable objects are expressed using computed identifiers. Using GA4GH sequence identifiers collapses differences between alleles due to trivial differences in reference naming. The same variation reported on NC_000019.10, CM000681.2, GRCh38:19, GRCh38.p13:19 would appear to be distinct variation; using a digest identifer will ensure that variation is reported on a single sequence identifier. Furthermore, using digest-based sequence identifiers enables the use of custom reference sequences.


VRS permits the use of conventional sequence accessions from RefSeq, Ensemble, or other sources. However, when generating copmuted identifiers, implementations MUST use GA4GH-sequence accessions.

In this example, the sequence identifier refseq:NC_000019.10 MUST be transformed into digest-based identifer ga4gh:GS.IIB53T8CNeJJdUqzn9V_JnRtQadwWCbl as described in Computed Identifiers. In practice, implmentations should precompute sequence digests or should use an existing service that does so. (See Required External Data for a description of data that are needed to implement VRS.) Subsitituing the GA4GH sequence identifier into the Allele’s location.sequence_id attribute gives:

  "location": {
    "interval": {
      "end": {
        "type": "Number",
        "value": 44908822
      "start": {
        "type": "Number",
        "value": 44908821
      "type": "SequenceInterval"
    "sequence_id": "ga4gh:GS.IIB53T8CNeJJdUqzn9V_JnRtQadwWCbl",
    "type": "SequenceLocation"
  "state": {
    "sequence": "T",
    "type": "LiteralSequenceExpression"
  "type": "Allele"

The first step in constructing a computed identifier is to create a binary digest serialization of the Allele. Details are provided in Computed Identifiers. For this example, the binary (ASCII encoded) object looks like:



The GA4GH binary digest serialization process imposes constraints that guarantee that different implementations will generate the same binary “blob” for a given object. Do not confuse binary digest serialization with JSON serialization, which is used elsewhere with VRS schema.

The GA4GH digest for the above blob is computed using the first 192 bits (24 bytes) of the SHA-512 digest, base64url encoded. Conceptually, the function is base64url( sha512( blob )[:24] ). In this example, the value returned is _YNe5V9kyydfkGU0NRyCMHDSKHL4YNvc.

A GA4GH Computed Identifier has the form:

"ga4gh" ":" <type_prefix> "." <digest>

The type_prefix for a VRS Allele is VA, which results in the following computed identifier for our example:


Importantly, GA4GH computed identifers may be used literally (without escaping) in URIs.

Variation and Location objects contain an OPTIONAL _id attribute which implementations may use to store any CURIE-formatted identifier. If an implementation returns a computed identifier with objects, the object might look like the following:

  "_id": "ga4gh:VA._YNe5V9kyydfkGU0NRyCMHDSKHL4YNvc",
  "location": {
    "interval": {
      "end": {
        "type": "Number",
        "value": 44908822
      "start": {
        "type": "Number",
        "value": 44908821
      "type": "SequenceInterval"
    "sequence_id": "refseq:NC_000019.10",
    "type": "SequenceLocation"
  "state": {
    "sequence": "T",
    "type": "LiteralSequenceExpression"
  "type": "Allele"

This example provides a full VRS-compliant Allele with a computed identifier.


The _id attribute is optional. If it is used, the value MUST be a CURIE, but it does NOT need to be a GA4GH Computed Identifier. Applications MAY choose to implement their own identifier scheme for private or public use. For example, the above _id could be a serial number assigned by an application, such as acmecorp:v0000123.

What’s Next?

This example has shown a full example for a relatively simple case. VRS provides a framework that will enable much more complex variation. Please see Future Plans for a discussion of variation classes that are intened in the near future.

The Implementations section lists libraries and packages that implement VRS.

VRS objects are value objects. An important consequence of this design choice is that data should be associated with VRS objects via their identifiers rather than embedded within those objects. The appendix contains an example of associating annotations with variation.